VFG cleaning pellets (GERMANY)
The best and easiest way to clean out your air rifle bore. Pellets expand through rifling. Use with silicone airgun oil just soak VFG cleaning pellet in oil prior to shooting, then finish by shooting two clean dry VFG pellets.
Always shoot dry pellet through to remove oil from barrel before shooting. For a quick clean after shooting, shoot two VFG pellets through barrel before storing air rifle.
Abbey silicone 35 air gun lubricating oil is specially prepared for airguns and air rifles, it is the only specialised oil for air guns. Use sparingly. Just a drop on a VFG felt pellet and fired through the barrel every one thousand shots. Abbey silicone 35 air gun lubricating oil sold separately in our store.
Key Features
.177 Cal
Cleans rifling of gun
Use Abbey silicone 35 air gun oil with VFG cleaning pellets for a better clean