What do i have to do to get a shooters Licence?
All firearm users are required to complete a firearm safety course before applying for their firearm license. Courses are run by the Victorian Police. To obtain information on "Firearms Safety Course Locations" click here to view the contact details for your regional firearms officer who will be able to advise you on the times and places for upcoming firearms safety courses.
Junior Licence
This licence is held by persons between the ages of 12 and 18 to carry or use Category A, B or C Longarms (being Shotguns) or General Category Handguns for the purpose of receiving instruction or engaging in sport or target shooting competitions.
Where can i obtain an application from?
How long does it take to approve my licence application?
There is a legislative requirement that a New Firearm Licence Application cannot be issued until 28 days has passed from the date of receipt.
A determination on a Renewal Licence Application will be made within 14 days of receipt.
Applications that are not completed in full, or are missing supporting documentation, will be returned for corrective action or you will be sent a letter asking you to address the issues which will delay your application being approved.
If Licensing Services Division receives your renewal application after your licence's expiry date, it will be treated as a new application and therefore the 28 day waiting period will apply. You are now unlicensed therefore you are required to dispose of all firearms in your possession.
With all applications please read the instruction pages attached to the back of the application carefully to avoid any delays.
Do I need a licence to purchase a firearm or ammunition?
Yes, you must have the relevant category of licence to purchase the specific ammunition you require. Information on obtaining a licence is available from your local police station/licensing service division.
What should i do if i have lost my licence?
You must notify Licensing Services Division in writing by either submission of:
Note: A payment notice (data card) will be issued with a duplicate licence fee and a new photo must be taken.
How do I notify Licensing Services Division of a licene holders death?
The executor or administrator of an estate of a person who has died in possession of a firearm, or firearms, must notify the Licensing Services Division of the death of the person as soon as practicable in writing and include:
The executor of the estate has six months from the date of death to dispose of the firearms registered to the deceased person.
During these six months, the executor or administrator of an estate may:
What should I do if i have not received my payment notice (data card)?
You should receive a payment notice for licence renewals within 21 days of receipt of your application if all supporting documentation have been produced and the application is compliant.
You should receive a payment notice for new licence applications within five to six weeks of receipt of your application if all supporting documentation have been produced and the application is compliant. Please note that payment notices for new licence applications cannot be generated until 28 days has elapsed from receipt.
Note: Allow ten days for postage and handling.
How do I book in for the Firearm Safety Course?
Before a applying for a Firearm Licence in Victoria, you must complete a Firearm Safety Course. For all the information regarding booking in and sitting the Firearm Safety Course, please click here.
How long does it take to approve my permit to acquire application?
In the case where a licence holder does not have a firearm registered to their licence, there is a legislative requirement for a 28 day waiting period.
On average it could take up to ten working days for you to receive your Permit to Acquire in the mail. If there are errors or you omit to provide information in the application, it will be returned to you for correction.
Can I advertise the sale of firearms?
Pursuant to section 101(1) of the Firearms Act 1996, a person must not publish or cause to be published an advertisement which advertises that a firearm is offered for sale by a person who is not a licensed firearm dealer. Subsection 101(1) does not apply where the advertisement is in a magazine published by an approved club or in a commercially published firearms or shooting sports magazine (ss 101(5)).
The effect of section 101(1) is that licensed firearms dealers can advertise on the Internet. In the case of persons or organisations that are not licensed firearms dealers, it is our policy that advertising on an Internet website does not fall within the description of a ‘commercially published firearms or shooting sports magazine’
What should I do if i haven't received my renewal?
You should receive your licence renewal reminder eight weeks before the expiry date of your current licence. If you do not receive the renewal form four weeks before expiry, you should contact Licensing Services Division and a reprint of your renewal will be forwarded to you.
How do I inform Licensing Services Division of a change of name?
You must notify LSD in writing of any change of name and provide evidence of the name change. You must provide a copy of certified:
Note: The definition of certified - A copy of a document or record, signed and certified as a true copy of an original by an authorised person.
How do I inform Licensing Services Division of a change of address?
All address and personal details changes will only be accepted in writing by submission of:
You must notify Licensing Services Division within 14 days of any change to the address on your licence or permit, residential address, postal address, storage address, or place of business (for licensed firearms dealers).
Are you open on weekends?
Yes, we open from 9am Saturday morning 'til 12pm and we're closed Sundays.
How do I contact Licensing Services Division?
Website: www.police.vic.gov.au
Email: licensingservices@police.vic.gov.au
Postal Address: GPO Box 2807, Melbourne Victoria, 3001
Public Access: Level 4, Yarra Tower, Victoria Police Centre, 637 Flinders Street.
Office Hours: 8:30am - 4:30pm
Phone: 1300 651 645
Fax: (03) 9247 6485
What should I do if i cannot find the answer or the information is unclear?
Please send an email to licensingservices@police.vic.gov.au, outlining your questions or issues and LSD will respond to your email within seven days.
Where can i get my photo taken?
Photo points are located throughout Victoria. See the list of AuthorisedPhotopoints to identify a suitable location for you to attend.
Note: Make sure payment is made first and the payment notice has been stamped by the bank to indicate payment. You need to take photo identification (drivers licence, student card, etc) with you to the photo point and your payment notice.